Horror Flick Standards of Living Filmed on iPad2! Watch Now!

I was saying to my buddies over a year ago, “You know… someone’s gonna eventually shoot an entire movie on their mobile devices,” and since then several have appeared. If only now I could predict winning lottery numbers. I’d buy each of you a pony.
L.A. Weekly has brought the first film shot entirely with an iPad2 into the spotlight, and we have a look at it for you right here. Below you’ll find Aaron Mento’s Standards of Living. According to the filmmaker the movie is a horror/comedy “about this stand-up comedian who’s really bad” who gets a mysterious phone call from a man named Mr. Randall, who says he can make things disappear and have them brought back, improved.
Sound interesting? Of course it does! Big props to Mento for pulling this one off… Cue copycats in 5… 4… 3… 2…
To enhance his ability to make people laugh, a struggling comedian takes part in a teleportation experiment that “improves” whatever cargo is being teleported… but the results are no laughing matter.
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