Dread Central Turns 7!

It’s hard to believe seven years have passed since Dread Central opened its doors on July 4th, 2006, declaring our independence from those who were holding us back, but alas… it is so. This past year has been stranger than most, but truth be told, that’s how we like it.
Each year I personally take this time to acknowledge staffers past and present so please allow me my usual time to indulge myself. First, our foundation … The Foywonder, Andrew Kasch, Buz Wallick, Scott Johnson, Mr. Dark, and Nomad. These cats have been here since Day One and helped build this nuthouse brick by brick. I don’t care whether they contribute a lot or a little. The simple fact that they’ve stood by us so long always makes me realize how truly lucky and blessed we are. Gracias for your never-ending loyalty.
A special shout-out to the following DC soldiers that have been waving our flag for years – Heather Wixson, Scott Hallam, Brian Smith, Matt Fini, Sean Decker, Jason “Jinx” Jenkins, Amanda Dyar, and Gareth “Pestilence” Jones. We wouldn’t be anywhere near as successful as we are if not for your dedication and work ethic. You are loved beyond words and appreciated more than you’ll ever fully know. Thank you all so very much.
Then there’s our rogues’ gallery consisting of the always kick-ass Brad McHargue, Drew Tinnin, Crix Lee, Serena Whitney, Aaron Williams, Jonathan Ryan, Alex DiVincenzo, and Steve Kalebson. These guys bust their asses in the field and beyond for us. Thanks for all that you do and have done. Please know that even though you don’t contribute on the regular, you’re still very much vital parts of the machine that makes Dread Central work.
In terms of the backbone of the entire operation – Jon Condit, KW Low, and Debi Moore. If not for these three, Dread Central simply wouldn’t exist. If our readers are our blood, then it’s those three who are our heart. Much love.
Still with us? Tired of the back patting yet? Well too bad because here comes some more.
You guys are some of the most lovably insane readers in the world. Whether it be Kidd Capone taunting us, Terminal keeping us on our toes, David Fullam insisting that we hate Rob Zombie, or our regulars like James Coker, AlienSharkBoy, Frank_Dracman, theGoldenSimatar, Screamz, LSD Zombie, Nazo, MagusMaleficus, RottenJesus, PrairieGhost, Diavolo, LifeMi, Jerel Of The Dead, Orlovsky and of course our Mexican brother from another mother “El Soccer Dude” J. Oviedo… you guys are nothing short of rock and fucking roll. Thank you for making the Dread Central community what it is. And to those of you who read every day but don’t comment… speak up! We know you’re there! Get in the friggin’ mix already!
My point is…. no matter who you are or how often you visit… I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… you are the reason we are allowed to exist, and we’ll NEVER ever forget that or take it for granted.
Here’s to another year! Thank you.

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