How Hulu’s ‘Hellraiser’ Inspired The Proposed ‘Thirteen Ghosts’ TV Series

Many of us grew up loving the critically panned 2001 Dark Castle remake of Thirteen Ghosts. That might have something to do with why the Internet has been losing its collective mind ever since the news of a potential TV adaptation broke. Now it’s time to ask the important questions, like who is behind this good news? Or what encouraged them to finally do the project we all crave?
Luckily, Dread Central’s managing editor Josh Korngut, is on the case. He recently caught up with writer/producer Patrick Mediate (Primordial Pictures), Ashley Robinson (co-producer, Fear the Walking Dead), and Aaron McLane (SFX Supervisor, Fear the Walking Dead) to learn more about what their pitch for a Thirteen Ghosts series would look like.
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The trio sat down with Korngut for Dread Central’s Development Hell podcast to discuss exactly how the pitch came together. While lots of love for the movie was shared, the spark for this idea really caught our attention.
From our understanding, producer and creative-to-watch Ashley Robinson was first responsible for getting our 13 favorite ghosts back into the horror zeitgeist (where they belong). While working on the final season of Fear The Walking Dead, the idea for the series came to her while watching one of the most discussed horror movies of 2022.
“The new Hellraiser had come out, and I watched it. I do 31 recommendations for the 31 days of October … I really enjoyed it, and the next thing I wanted to watch was Thirteen Ghosts. It was, like, my 18th time watching it, and I was really dissecting what I was missing from this.“
Ashely Robinson, Development Hell
Robinson also goes on to explain that Hulu’s Hellraiser managed to breathe new life into a familiar story and that she intends to do the same thing with Dark Castle’s IP. I don’t think she was alone with that thought. Other fans were fast to draw a comparison between Hellraiser 2022 and Thirteen Ghosts due to its contained puzzle-like setpieces. Check it out:
Listen to the full episode of Development Hell here for more information on the TV series we are all rooting for, or click below:

Are you excited at the idea of a potential Thirteen Ghosts television series? If you want to nerd out with me and discuss your favorite ghosts, possible backstories for said ghosts, etc. you can reach me at @misssharai.