Christina Ricci Faces Found Footage Horrors In Shocking New Music Video [Watch]

Horror and pop music collide once again in the music video for Doja Cat’s latest single “Demons”. From references to The Shining and Poltergeist, to full-on found footage hell a la [REC], the iconic singer is wearing her love for horror on her terrifying sleeve. Oh, and did we mention horror icon Christina Ricci also stars in the video?
The video starts like any good horror movie: in the middle of a thunderstorm in a giant creepy house. Christina Ricci and her family just bought the house and it’s perfect! Right? Wrong! On their first night home, the horror really starts as Doja Cat crawls across the ceiling in a chilling demon look featuring shining red eyes, long claws, and, of course, diamond jewelry. Meanwhile, poor Ricci must let this sleep-paralysis demon crawl around her helpless body.
Then we dive into the explicit horror references as Doja is shown in the very distinct green-tiled bathroom from The Shining. Between her human form and the black demonic water around her, we see a contemporary take on the beautiful young woman who is actually a malevolent presence from King’s legendary book. And The Shining references don’t stop there as Doja is seen using a typewriter as further homage to Jack’s mental breakdown. These references, while scary, also create a fascinating tension between Doja as an artist and Doja as a person.
Ricci’s character is then thrown into what I would describe as a hybrid of Poltergeist, Paranormal Activity 3, and [REC]. Hybrid found footage music videos? Yes, please! As Ricci’s kids sit in front of a static-filled TV in a dark room, she grabs an old camera to investigate what exactly is happening in their house. And what she finds in her attic is not as nightmarish as [REC] but it’s still pretty freaky.
As Ricci pans around the dark attic, Doja’s demonic form emerges in green night vision, grinning in the dark. Then, Ricci is pulled into the attic’s shadows in an almost exact recreation of [REC]‘s iconic ending. We love pop artists who love horror!

Watch the whole music video below:
What do you think of Doja Cat’s latest music video starring Christina Ricci? Let us know on Twitter @DreadCentral!