Cooties Spread to Cast! No One Safe!

Circle, circle, dot, dot, new actors have gotten a Cooties shot! That’s right, kids! On tap for you right now is more casting news for Cooties, from Saw co-creator and star Leigh Whannell.
According to Deadline, Alison Pill has joined the cast as Lucy, an eternally optimistic 4th grade teacher, and Rainn Wilson has signed up as an ex-athlete turned PE teacher named Wade. Jack McBrayer (“30 Rock”) and Jorgé Garcia (“Lost”) will also star beside the previously announced Elijah Wood (pictured above; Maniac, The Hobbit). Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott are directing.
COOTIES is co-written by horror powerhouse Leigh Whannell, who penned and executive produced the SAW films and wrote INSIDIOUS, with Ian Brennan, writer and co-creator of Fox’s “Glee.” The film begins when a mysterious virus hits an isolated elementary school, transforming the pre-adolescent children into a feral swarm of mindless savages. An unlikely hero must lead a motley band of teachers in the fight of their lives against the monstrous pupils.
Related Story: Elijah Wood Launches Horror Label The Woodshed
COOTIES will be shot in Los Angeles. “My friend Ian Brennan and I wanted to write a film about one of life’s most universal experiences – hatred for precocious, adorable children. And so we started work on Cooties, a film about a virus that turns school children into monsters and therefore makes it okay to beat them up with hockey sticks,” said Whannell.
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