Dread Central Manning a Horror Area at the March 2014 T.A.B.L.E. Event in Dallas/Ft. Worth

We here at Dread Central are proud to announce our involvement in the upcoming T.A.B.L.E. event taking place in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during spring 2014. Read on for the details and more info on what T.A.B.L.E.’s all about.
T.A.B.L.E. stands for Tabletop And Boardgame Learning Expo. Launched by Tiffany Franzoni, owner of Roll2Play Games in Coppell, TX, the intent of T.A.B.L.E. is to bring people who do not currently play tabletop games together with those that do to demonstrate what ‘unplugged’ games can do for a community.
Taking place March 29-30, 2014, the T.A.B.L.E. event will feature panels, vendors, and of course gaming, all focused on various ways meeting together to play can change and enhance a community. Gaming luminaries like Steve Jackson will be present, various game companies have already pledged their support, and now Dread Central is thrilled to add our name to the pile.
At the event Dread Central will have an area dedicated to horror gaming so that horror fans know where to go to find out what they’ve been missing. This area will be staffed by yours truly, with tons of horror games available for play.
In the tabletop world, horror isn’t a niche genre, it’s a solid 1/3 of the overall market. Horror in board and card games is HUGE these days. Major releases like the Arkham Horrorgames based on HP Lovecraft’s mythos top the sales charts. Original horror worlds like the zombie apocalypse of Last Night on Earthand the 18th century monster hunting of A Touch of Evil” provide story-based adventures while more casual titles like Zombie Diceand
There’s currently a Kickstarter campaign running to get T.A.B.L.E. fully funded. They’re at 85% as of this writing and have just 11 days to go so if you’d like to support this awesome event, click here and get your passes and swag early! You can also follow Tiffany Franzoni on Facebook to stay up-to-date.
And of course we’ll keep you posted about T.A.B.L.E. as the event gets closer. We hope to have tons of prizes for winning games and possibly even more special guests that you horror fiends can get excited about.
Stay tuned, and GAME ON!

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