San Diego Comic-Con 2013: Predator 3D One of the Show’s Must-See Attractions!

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So, it was announced a few days ago that Predator had been converted to 3D and will be hitting Blu-ray in December. However, what we didn’t know was how friggin’ cool the booth to promote the flick was gonna be! You HAVE to see this!
Set up like a jungle and complete with a “live” Predator for photo ops (rocking a killer suit made by a local San Diegan no less!), fans who stop by can pre-order the Blu-ray, which comes in the stunning Predator head package you see below with removable face mask. But that’s not all…
If you so choose, you’ll be sat down in front of a multi-camera deck that shoots photos of your head from many different angles. Once your image is captured, it’s put through a computer, and just like that your visage appears on a head, complete with dangling spine, that the Predator is holding up like a trophy. If you dig it, you can order that, too, and you’ll get your very own collectible Predator holding your head triumphantly!
Does it get any cooler? Check out images of the process below. Seriously, if you’re at Comic-Con, this is nothing short of a MUST DO! Do not miss out!
While you wait, you can even sample the conversion, which by the way looks a lot better than you would think!
Look for Booth #3528 at the Comic-Con International at the San Diego Convention Center!
Official Details
Nothing like it has ever been at Comic-Con before… Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is bringing an iconic franchise to San Diego as PREDATOR hunts for prey on the convention floor.
In a first-of-its-kind activation at Comic-Con, fans can enter booth #3528 and have their photo taken with state of the art cameras courtesy of 3D Systems. Their image will then be used to make them the victim as a customized figurine is created using 3D Systems 3D printing technology that features the Predator alien holding the fan’s severed head!
The figurine is only available to fans that purchase the PREDATOR Blu-ray 3D, available exclusively for pre-order at Comic-Con and packaged in a limited edition Predator head for $129.99. Fans can also receive the figurine with the purchase of a “headless” Blu-ray 3D for $49.99.
Additionally fans will get a first look at the all-new 3D transfer of the film before it arrives on Blu-ray 3D later this year as they enter the jungle that is ruled by the ultimate warrior that came from another planet.
Attendees can also participate in the “Hunt the Predator” challenge. Fans who find the Predator, take a photo and upload it to their social networks with the official hashtag “#HUNTthePREDATOR” will be entered to receive a front of the line pass at the Predator 3D booth for an exclusive 3D printed figurine.
The PREDATOR Blu-ray 3D will be shipped to all those that pre-order at Comic-Con when it is officially released in December. The custom figurine will be shipped following the convention.

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