The Most-Watched Netflix Thriller Will Strand You In the Middle of Nowhere

A new Spanish survival thriller has just sailed its way onto the Netflix charts. This brand-spanking new movie also gives us a pregnant leading lady in a high-tension situation that has the internet screaming. Nowhere is the #1 thriller on the streamer today, and we are here to tell you everything you need to know about this surprise hit. 

Official Netflix Synopsis

“Mia (Anna Castillo) is a pregnant woman who, together with her husband, flees a totalitarian country hiding in a sea container. After being forcibly separated, she must fight for her survival when a violent storm throws her into the sea. Alone and adrift in the middle of the ocean, Mia will face every issue to save her daughter’s life and reunite with her partner.”

Also Read: Behold: All the Horror and Thriller Content Coming to Netflix This October!

Nowhere was directed by Albert Pintó. It was written by Ernest Riera, Seanne Winslow, Teresa De Rosendo, and Indiana Lista. It stars Anna Castillo, Tamar Novas, and Victoria Teijeiro.

Most of Twitter is highly stressed out by this movie. Fans are also applauding Anna Castillo’s brilliant performance.

See what Twitter is saying

Also Read: Crime Thriller Tops Netflix Charts, “A Reminder of Good Storytelling”

We love to see an international thriller claim a top spot on the charts. I plan on adding this to my watch queue and I hope most of you will as well. Watch the trailer below to see if this is the kind of stress you need in your life too! 

Watch the trailer

Have you already watched Nowhere on Netflix? Is it as good as Twitter makes it sound? Tell me at @misssharai.
