‘Indiginerds’ Exclusive: Get Ready For ‘Uncured Horror’

Iron Circus Comics presents Indiginerds, a brand-new comics anthology that aims to celebrate the ever-evolving Indigenous culture. Organized by Alina Pete, this book collects work from several Indigenous artists and writers. From gaming to social media, pirate radio to garage bands, Star Trek to D&D, and missed connections at the pow-wow, Indigenous culture is so much more than how it’s usually portrayed.
The lineup includes:
- Bvlbancha Forever by Ida Aronson and Tate Allen
- Walk With The Earth Mother by Maija Plamondon and Milo Applejohn
- Roll Your Own Way by Jordanna George
- Digital Eden by Raven John and Asia Wisely
- Amplification/Adaptation by Em Matson and Nipinet Landsem
- Welei (I Am Fine) by Bianca “binkz17” and Rhael McGregor
- Saving Throws by James Willier and Sam “Mushki” Medlock
- Dorvan V by Alina Pete
- Uncured Horror by Gillian Joseph and Wren Rios
- Airwaves Pirates by Autumn Star and PJ Underwood
- Missed Pow Wow Connection by Kameron White
“Most stories about Indigenous people are focused on two things: current grief or the past tragedies of colonization,” says editor Alina Pete. “But First Nations culture isn’t stuck in the past, and generations of Indigenous kids have grown up watching the same movies and TV shows that non-Indigenous folks have. This pop culture has crept inexorably into our lives, and we love video games, cosplay, and other nerdy things just as much as everyone else! Indiginerds tells modern stories about modern Indigenous people, and celebrates our joys and passions.”
We have an exclusive look at the horror story “Uncured Horror”, which you can read below:

“Uncured Horror” is written by Gillian Joseph and Wren Rios. Joseph is a queer, 2-Spirit Ihaŋktoŋwaŋ and Mdewakaŋtoŋ Dakota storyteller. They’re the author of Protector of the Beads: a Dakhota Poem (forthcoming from Wíyouŋkihipi Productions). Rios is a trans-femme, queer, afro-latine author/illustrator, colorist, and flatter from New Jersey.
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