This “Risqué” Halloween Installation Has Pious Utah Officials in an Uproar

A Grantsville, Utah, resident tried to make the town a little more festive for the Halloween season and managed to incite the wrath of city officials in the process. A kitschy installation featuring a pole dancing skeleton and enthusiastic patrons (also skeletons) was staged around a street sign, The Huffington Post reports.
In a since-deleted social media post, Grantsville city officials made their disdain for unconventional use of seasonal decor known, saying: “You have until 9 PM tonight (October 18) to take down your decorations or they will be removed by the city and you will have to pick your items up at our Public Works building. Displays like this are not acceptable as it is against city code to attach anything to a street sign.”
The creator of the Halloween display (see featured image for reference) has since moved the festive demonstration off city property and into his front yard. But the relocation may have been a good thing. Staging the proceedings on private property allows for a little more flare. Since the move, the installation has added a few new accessories. The dancer now has a tip jar and a stage made of lights. Plus, the homeowner installed a proper pole for the dancer to work.
While the city officials may have been less-than-impressed with the risqué Halloween decor, locals have rallied to show their support for the comical display.
One resident left the following comment on the city’s since-deleted Facebook post: “I salute the Halloween Decoration WIZARD that created this MASTERPIECE. Should be framed next to the Mona Lisa and Picassos.”
I have to say that I find this entire development to be quite comical and a great demonstration of creativity. What are your thoughts on this macabre display? Let us know your take on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, @DreadCentral!