Stephen King Says The Uncut Version Of This Film Is “Amazingly good”

We love it when Stephen King talks about the film adaptations of his work because he’s never one to mince words. He recently took to Twitter to inform us that there is an uncut version of Needful Things that “makes sense of everything the theatrical version chintzed on.” He thinks it’s available on DVD, and I think I know what is at the top of my wishlist this holiday season.
See Stephen King’s full Tweet:
I read Needful Things as a kid and then made it my life mission to watch the hard-to-find movie adaptation. I’m happy there’s a longer cut out there that is better than what we see once a year when we can catch it on a streamer. However, if you’re unfamiliar with this story, let me tell you about one of my favorite things.

In the film,
“When a creepy older man named Leland Gaunt (Max von Sydow) moves to a small town in Maine and sets up an antique shop, bad things soon follow. Gaunt has the remarkable ability of selling people exactly what they want most, but his ideal purchases come at a price that involves more than just money. Through Gaunt’s manipulation, the citizens of the town gradually turn on one another, resulting in violence that Sheriff Alan Pangborn (Ed Harris) struggles to contain.”
Needful Things was directed by Fraser C. Heston. The screenplay was written by W. D. Richter. The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. The film stars Ed Harris, Max von Sydow, Bonnie Bedelia, J. T. Walsh, and Amanda Plummer.
Needful Things was my favorite Stephen King novel as a kid. I am not a fan of the long runtimes, but I think this book deserves 187 minutes, and I would like to see it. So, I am hoping to get my hands on a copy of the uncut version. Let me know if you are also curious about this extended version at @misssharai.