Eli Roth Calls This Stephen King Film “A very underrated horror movie that’s a guaranteed good time”

A few years back, Eli Roth recounted his top five horror films for The San Diego Union-Tribune. Not surprisingly, a flick penned by the one and only Stephen King made the cut. I’m talking about King’s epic collaboration with George Romero, Creepshow.
Eli Roth provided the following blurb to accompany this selection:
“George Romero was the king of horror then, having made the classics Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead, Stephen King was the scariest author on the planet (and still is, as far as I’m concerned), and Tom Savini had upset nearly every parent in America by creating the goriest makeup effects in the nastiest horror films of the golden era. The three of them teamed up to create an old EC Comics-style scarefest that is Creepshow. The movie, told in five stories, is designed to look like a comic book, but it is creepy. And disgusting. And really, really fun. Plus it’s an anthology so you don’t really have to pay attention, and if you’re not that into the story, a new one will be on in 10 minutes. I watch it now and find myself saying things like, ‘Look, Ed Harris with hair!’ An amazing cast, incredible script, brilliant makeup effects, and nonstop fun. A very underrated horror movie that’s a guaranteed good time.”
I’m not sure if I would call Creepshow underrated at this point. The series has been adapted for the small screen by Shudder and our sister site DreadXP is even gearing up to release a game based on the property. But both of those developments have come to fruition since the list was curated. So, one must take that into account.
Where does Creepshow stand amongst your favorite horror films? Let us know on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter: @DreadCentral.