Latest Abandoned Mine Clip Fits into Small Spaces

Five friends trapped in an Abandoned Mine have lots of reasons to be afraid of the dark and small spaces. Don’t believe us? Then check out this latest clip for proof, damn it!
Abandoned Mine, written and directed by Jeff Chamberlain, stars Alexa Vega, Reiley McClendon, Saige Thompson, Charan Prabhakar, Adam Hendershott, and Valerie C. Walker.
Five small-town school friends celebrate Halloween with an overnight adventure into the legendary “haunted” Jarvis Mine. Local legend tells of the angry spirits that have occupied the mine since a family was murdered for still mysterious reasons exactly 100 years ago. But that doesn’t stop these young adrenaline junkies from exploring the unknown – and bringing mini-cameras to capture their every move.
Yet, once they are deep into the mine, their best-laid Halloween plans go awry, leaving the adventurers trapped without escape. Are their misfortunes purely accidental, or is the legend true and something more lurks in the darkness? Nothing is what it truly seems as the past and present collide in this psychological thriller.

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