Roger Corman Serves Up Chinese Chills with Hell’s Haunted Palace

On tap right now are the trailer and one-sheet for the Roger Corman-produced film from director Antony Szeto, Hell’s Haunted Palace (AKA The Ghost of the Imperial Palace, and The Living Dead), a made-for-TV horror movie that was released in China!
Katie Savoy, Catherine Siggins, and Kerem Bursin star.
Following in the footsteps of her late fiancé, who drowned under mysterious circumstances, Rebecca (Katie Savoy) and her film crew are in China making a documentary about the Chinese Ghost Festival. There, she learns of a story about concubine Chan Ju Chi, who was violently murdered and thrown into a well by the head concubine Ping Wei (JuJu Chan) within the secret grounds of a palace. Legend has it that the Chan Ju Chi has risen to become a “jiangshi”, killing innocent people in the hope of taking over their bodies. Things take a turn when a worker is attacked in a decrepit well within an old palace. Rebecca tries to piece together the mystery behind the legend as one by one the people she knows are gruesomely murdered.

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