George A. Romero Opens Up About Zombie Comic Book Series for Marvel

Daily Dead
Nothing perks our ears up more than news about a new George Romero zombie project, and it was earlier this year when Marvel began to get us excited about a zombie comic book series which would be written by the master.
It’s been awhile since we’ve heard anything about the project, but it looks like it’s fortunately still headed our way.
In a recent interview with Daily Dead, Romero revealed that while he can’t say much about the storyline, the comic series will depict a more evolved breed of zombie than we’ve seen in his past work, and he’s already banged out enough content for a 15-issue run. He went on to say that since he’s written enough material for a novel, he may eventually go ahead and turn it into one.
The series was originally set for a fall 2013 release, but Romero says it has been pushed back. No word yet on when it will see release, but we’ll be sure to keep you posted.

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