Spike Lee’s Kickstarter Project Reaches its Goal
It looks like we’ll be finding out fairly soon just how horror-based Spike Lee’s crowdfunded new project is since it has now surpassed its $1,250,000 goal by $61,000+ and counting. With the message “Thank you, Jesus,” the director announced the news on August 16th.
The appreciative filmmaker posted the following update and video on the project’s Kickstarter page:
We’ve hit our goal of $1.25 Million, but we’re not stopping until the timer on our Kickstarter rings at 12:15pm on Wednesday, August 21st. So don’t stop spreading the word about our Kickstarter. Let’s keep going. Why stop now? Thank you to all of our Backers that made this happen. We wouldn’t have gotten here without you. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
The story is about human beings who are addicted to blood and is described by Lee as: “Funny, Sexy and Bloody. A new kind of love story (and not a remake of Blacula).”
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