Castlevania’s Adam Cox Wouldn’t Mind Seeing Silent Hill Rebooted

You heard me. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 producer Adam Cox said he’s totally into the idea of someone breathing new life into the Silent Hill (which has seen its share of ups and downs the last few years) franchise; but he’s not the guy.
In a recent interview with Siliconera, Cox actually said he would like to work on a Contra game (Konami filed trademarks for Contra and Contra: Run & Gun) and when asked if there were any other franchises he’d like to see get a reboot, he said:
“I guess Silent Hill would be the obvious one. Sometimes a series needs a little break. Sometimes it needs to have fresh eyes, a new team to come in and bring their creative vision to it. Perhaps Silent Hill will be a project Konami can bring back,” Cox said. “It’s not something that I would be particularly interested in doing myself. I’m more of an old school guy. I grew up with Castlevania, and Contra is what made me want to work at Konami at the end of the day. They are my passions. I’d like to see Konami do some new stuff, bring something new to the table. I think next generation offers great opportunities to do new things.”
In the last fifteen years, Silent Hill‘s given us ten titles, graphic novels, guide books, art books and two film adaptations; pair that with recent rumblings that Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima may be involved with the next Silent Hill title… well, hell… anything’s possible in this day and age, right?
Stay tuned.

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