Help Release ‘The Once and Future Smash’! [New Blood News]

Last year, I had the pleasure of watching the absolutely killer mockumentary, The Once and Future Smash. Filled with cameos from horror icons, the film is a unique take on the meta-humor genre, being appropriately looney with great performances from the two leads, Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler) and Bill Weeden (Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.).
Now, directors Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein are campaigning for physical releases not only for The Once and Future Smash, but also for the “lost film” that inspired it, End Zone 2!
From the Kickstarter page:
“The Once and Future Smash is the story of Mikey Smash and William Mouth, who both played Smash-Mouth, the football-themed slasher character in the lost 1970 cult film, End Zone 2. They are now on the convention circuit 50 years later, trying to reclaim the iconic role in the upcoming reboot sequel that starts one hour into End Zone 2. Both films are labors of love, and we want to treat them with as much care in releasing as we did in production. We’re also dedicated to preserving the tactile experience of cinema, offering these films in high-quality blu-ray and special VHS formats in addition to their streaming releases.”
Dread Central’s Chad Collins watched both End Zone 2 and The Once and Future Smash at the 2023 Panic Fest. In his review, he said of The Once and Future Sm
You can learn more about the films and support the Kickstarter right here.
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