More LAST OF US 2 News Coming September 24th!

Alright, I hate writing news about announcements for news. I double hate writing news about Tweets. It’s the kind of reporting better situated in the pages of The National Enquirer and the fact that I’m writing about breaks at least one of the seals to usher in the end-times. But The Last of Us 2 is a big enough deal that I’ll make an exception.
The sequel has been in the works for over six years, which is a whole five and a half years longer than most games take to pop out a sequel. Like the rest of the universe, I loved The Last of Us, and consider myself one of the ravenous horde eager for new tidbits. We’ve been moaning at the gates for more information, and with Sony declining to attend this year’s E3 we’re almost at the point of knocking them down and storming the offices. Luckily, there is light on the horizon. Coming September 24th is a media event to unveil more The Last of Us 2 info. At least according to internet videogame guy Geoff Keighley.
I’ve already reached out to Sony to see if we can attend, so fingers crossed. If not, I’ll be sure to tune in and bring you everything that was revealed. Until then, enjoy the 2018 trailer.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News