Joy Ride 3 Casting News – Former Jason Taking on Rusty Nail and More!

Winnipeg Free Press
In a follow-up to our Monday exclusive concerning the announcement of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment’s Joy Ride 3, here’s a bit of casting news from the flick’s writer and director Declan O’Brien.
While speaking with Canada’s Winnipeg Free Press, O’Brien revealed not only that he’s cast Ken Kirzinger (pictured; Freddy Vs. Jason) as the project’s villainous truck driver “Rusty Nail” and actor/stuntman Rick Skene (the latter worked previously with O’Brien on Wrong Turn 4) in a supporting role but also that audiences can expect considerable automotive mayhem in Joy Ride 3.
“It’s Joy Ride meets Fast and Furious,” stated O’Brien of the third film in the franchise, which is being produced by Kim Todd and which originated in 2001 with the Paul Walker-starring, J.J. Abrams-co-scripted Joy Ride.
“I’ve done a fair amount of action in my past,” the filmmaker continued from the production office, where he was pre-visualizing shots using a toy semi-tractor/trailer, a pick-up truck, and a miniature red Suburu WRX, which will serve at the lead character’s vehicle.
“I’ve blown some stuff up,” he continued. “I rolled the prison bus in Wrong Turn 3, and I sent a tow truck flying into a tree at ridiculous speed. Last year, when I was shooting Wrong Turn 5 in Bulgaria, I went out to the studio where we shot in the back lot, and they had this one section that was this junkyard of crushed cars. I looked around, and about ninety percent of them were from movies I had done. The line producer there sardonically said, ‘We should name it Declan’s Junkyard.'”
Joy Ride 3 is slated to be filmed in a fast twenty days, with principal photography to kick on August 30th in Winnipeg. Dread Central will be there so expect updates from the set shortly.
Rusty Nail is back on the road again looking to punish injustice at every turn — and this time it’s with a group of hothead twenty-somethings on their way to the Road Rally 1000. As they drive through a desolate shortcut on the way to the race, an encounter with Rusty turns sour, and soon he is tracking, teasing, and torturing them until the end of the road.
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