PUBG Bringing New Map And Plenty More With Season 6 Content Update

I used to be a pretty big fan of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. It was my “just unwind” game for a while if you can believe it. I know a lot of people get worked up over their battle royale games, but I’ve always found something cathartic about dropping in, hunting for guns, getting into a few firefights, and then getting blown away by some dude with a Kar98 8x Scoped and 2000 hours of playtime. No worries, mate. Good headshot. You’re definitely not hacking. No questioning how you saw me two miles away through a bush while I was prone. Just load back into a new match, drop into the military base, and have a nice relaxing bloodbath.

I haven’t played for quite a while, mostly because the friends I used to party with have since moved on to being married. But I sometimes scroll past it on my Steam library and wonder just how the battlefields of PUBG are fairing these days. Well, with this new slew of content, I might just have to check it out. Plus, I’m all loaded up on my new blood pressure medication, so now’s as good a time as any.

With the Season 6 update, PUBG is adding some new stuff that looks to shake up the core PUBG gameplay. First up is the new map, Karakin. A super small 2×2 arena, the map will encourage those quality Hospital-style pitched scrambles we all know and love. Hopefully, I’m not too dated with my PUBG references. Also new to Season 6 is a new Black Zone, that will force you into the open with building-crushing missiles. It’s part of a bundle of changes to make shelter less secure, alongside new bullet penetration and breach points. Oh, and there’s also a rocket launcher.

If you want to check out all the changes, you can read the full patch notes here. As always, you can pick up the game on PS4, Xbox One, and PC for $29.99. The update also comes with a new Survivor Pass, which has a bunch of cosmetic stuff. It’s available on PC January 22nd, and consoles on January 30th. You can pick up the game on PC now by clicking the link here.