Fan Fixes Doom Eternal Trailer By Replacing Mumble Rap With Metal

I think it’s fair to say that DOOM Eternal has more hype behind it than can be carried by even the heftiest of trains. After DOOM (2016) proved that the era of ass-kicking shooters was alive and well, people have been viewing DOOM Eternal as the second coming. Not even the hate regularly hurled at Bethesda could sour eager fans. Putting a dent in the DOOM Eternal fanfare would require a massive misstep. Something cataclysmic. Something like… idk… mumble rap?
Okay, I’m being a bit hyperbolic here. The original DOOM Eternal TV spot isn’t that bad. I don’t really hate mumble rap. Some of that shit slaps. But you can’t deny it’s a far cry from the badass metal we’ve come to associate with super shotgunning Cacodemons and chainsaw decapitations. I’m not saying things can never change. Just that some things are sacred. And the unholy union of heavy riffs and the DOOM marine wordlessly performing improv amputations should be enshrined as canon law.

Luckily, a fan that goes by Elrabin did the trailer right by substituting the soundtrack with some sweet Mick Gordon. It’s a pretty basic swap, which Elrabin admits in the description: “Ugh, I know this is a quick and dirty edit, but it’s 100x better than the song they chose in this.” You can judge for yourself in the video linked above.
Whichever trailer you prefer, we can all agree that we can’t wait for DOOM Eternal. The game releases for $60 March 20th for the Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You can click here to check out the DOOM Eternal Steam page.
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