Ruthless Pictures Gobbles Up Eaters

Ruthless Pictures marches on, snagging the rights to lots of new horror films developed by up-and-coming directors. Next in their canon is Johnny Tabor’s Eaters, a 70s horror inspired spookapalooza! Read on for details.
From the Press Release
Johnny Tabor’s first full-length feature, Eaters, is a gritty, edge-of-your-seat horror film that takes the viewers for a truly disturbing ride in the style of the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes.
It’s the summer of 1974, and five friends embark on cross-country trip. When one of them disappears at a rest stop, their search leads them face to face with a group of homicidal deviants that can only be described as Eaters.
In making Eaters, director Johnny Tabor was “inspired by the best of the classic slasher films of the 1970s he grew up admiring.” But he also gave the film his personal stamp by creating a vision of villains that will haunt the viewer way after the film’s end credits.
“Prepare to meet a new breed of killers,” Ruthless Pictures’ Jesse Baget says of the characters that give the film its name. “When I first saw Eaters, I knew I was looking at the work of a truly original director. His baddies are like nothing I had seen in horror movies before. Original, yes, and disturbing as hell!”
The film stars Marcelle Bownman, Robert William Dean, and Jonathan Haltiwanger.
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