VRChat Adds New Full-Length COOP Horror Campaign, The Devouring

What could be more enjoyable than a horror experience shared with the pals? Probably shared horror experience with the pals in virtual reality. Indie developers The 4 Ponies released their upcoming VRChat expansion, The Devouring. As with the countless community created worlds, The Devouring is a free expansion for the game.

VRChat is probably best known for the ~2017 iteration of the “Ugandan Knuckles” meme. But the potential for great horror is almost as powerful as the silly. VRChat is a new kind of social media, where participants can create and upload their own custom avatar and mingle with other players (usually with Naruto or fursona avatars). But recently, there’s been an emphasis on game modes as well. That’s where The Devouring comes in.
The Devouring takes place during a road trip, one that is cut short by a crash. You and however many people who are joining you wake up in a strange mansion, one full of all manner of ghosties and ghoulies. Presumably. There’s not much information about the campaign, just yet. Only that it’s around six hours long and is supposedly jumpscare free.

The Devouring is available now, though you will need VRChat to play (not necessarily a VR headset though, if I understand correctly). You can pick that up on Steam by clicking here. And to try out The Devouring, you can search for it in-game or click here.