Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story Is A Futuristic Point-And-Click Horror

This week brought us a launch trailer for the upcoming game, Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story. Created by developer Sukaku, Sense is a point-and-click looking adventure that appears to mix the dark futuristic themes with the paranormal. An interesting combo. In a society of drugs and direct computer-to-brain virtual reality, the protagonist’s “perception of reality slowly crumbles around her.”

Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is set in Neo Hong-Kong, in the year 2083. You play as Mei-Lin Mak, a young programmer caught in, well, a cyberpunk ghost story. Having a set of cybernetic eyes, Mei finds herself in a “maelstrom of an unsolved supernatural mystery from centuries past.” But are these ghosts whispers of the past, or a glitch in the matrix?

Throughout the game, you’ll investigate the stories of 14 different ghosts, and how they coincide with Mei’s family. Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story “hopes to return the horror genre to its roots; celebrating the slow, fearful creep of dread instead of turning to action and jump scares. Mei is not a trained agent; she is a programmer and not a soldier; the ghosts – the glitches of reality – are spirits and not spectral zombies; and the scares are from within, not from the horrors around.”

Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story will be available on August 25th. You can wishlist and preorder the game for yourself by clicking here.