Occult Space Horror Meets Starfox In New Chorus Trailer

Have you ever piloted a spaceship and looked out into the deep of space and gotten terrified about what’s waiting out there? Likely not. However, in Chorus you’ll be doing exactly that, and can see more of it in the new trailer.

The new trailer, which premiered at Gamescom, isn’t super long. It is, however, a rad look into how the game plays. We get to see the main character fly around in a spaceship, shooting down other pilots and destroying various structures. Once scene looks like a rather impressive trench run, just in case you needed a bit of Star Wars to go with your space shooter. If you needed high intensity dogfighting action with your space cult, this seems like the place to do it.
If you haven’t see Chorus yet, the game has you play as Nara, an ex-member of a cult known as Circle. She ran away from their ranks for reasons unknown, and now they’re trying to shoot her down. Her trick though? She posses Forsaken, a sentient ship that is helping her survive and do battle with other pilots. Something she’ll need to make use of if she wants to deal with the cult that used to be her family.

Chorus is set to come out sometime next year for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X. You can add the game to your wishlist here.