13-Year Old Emily DiPrimio Puts Down the Barbie Dolls to Direct Slasher Flick Carver!

Back in 2006, a 12-year-old girl by the name of Emily Hagins took the horror community by storm when she directed the zombie movie Pathogen, the making of which was chronicled in the documentary Zombie Girl.
I’m pretty sure I was still soiling my underwear at 12 years old, and yet there Hagin was, making us all look lazy.
A unique individual for sure, but it seems she’s not the only young girl named Emily who isn’t sitting around and waiting to make her first movie!
13-year-old lifelong horror fan Emily DiPrimio has the same aspirations, and she and her dad Ron are looking to co-direct a horror film called Carver, which they wrote together. Set on Halloween, Emily describes the film as a throwback, 80s style slasher, a time period which she has a whole lot of love for, despite being born long after it passed by.
Carver is about a group of teenagers who are haunted by a despicable act they committed on Halloween when they were younger. Their actions caused the deaths of three innocent people. Now, on the anniversary of those deaths, an ominous calling card in the form of a carved pumpkin has been placed at each of their homes. Someone is out for revenge. The question is…who?
The script pounded out earlier this year, Emily and her father decided they could make the movie for $25,000, and recently took to Kickstarter to raise the funds. Donations from $1 to $10,000 can nab you all sorts of fun perks, including copies of the finished film, tickets to the premiere and even roles in the movie.
Check out the cutest pitch video of all time and head over to the Carver Kickstarter campaign to help 13-year-old Emily fulfill her dreams!

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