Monster Hunters Rejoice: Two New Titles On The Horizon

Yesterday brought the announcement of two new Monster Hunter titles. Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin are very different entries in the series that fit different gameplay niches. But that just means there’s something for everyone who’s a fan of hunting monsters.

Monster Hunter Rise is monster hunting in the traditional sense. Tracking monsters, beating them into oblivion, and then turning their parts into better gear so you can go out and do it again. It’s a simple formula, but as the extreme popularity of Monster Hunter World can attest, it’s a formula that works.

Taking place in a mountainous region, Monster Hunter Rise has a number of new features adding on to the usual. You get a new partner called a Palamute, a large dog-like animal that can be used as a mount. Additionally, a new mechanic called the “wirebug” serves as a grappling hook, allowing the gameplay to reach new levels of verticality. And of course, a handful of new and more dangerous monsters added to the roster.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, on the other hand, is a much different style of game. A sequel, obviously, to the original Monster Hunter Stories game, this is a sort of JRPG set in the MoHu universe. It’s a story based game (as the name implies), but also features some Pokemon style battles as well.

Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin have no release dates yet. For more information, check out their respective websites here and here.