Hungry Shark Game Maneater Coming to Next-Gen Consoles

Are you a hungry shark fan? Enjoyed watching people get eaten in Maneater and want to see it with better graphics? Tripwire Interactive has confirmed they will be making an updated version of the game for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X available at launch.

The updated version of the game will let it run at 4k 60FPS, which seems important if you want to make sure you can eat people with the best graphics possible. Likewise, it promises to add ray tracing to the game, which will make the reflections of the water look even better. It seems important to make water look good in a game all about swimming through the water, after all.
Just in case you were concerned, this will be a free update. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners will get the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions by default. According to Tripwire, the Xbox Series X version will also carry over all saves and achievements, however, the PlayStation 5 version will be a new version of the game and your saves and trophies will not carry over. The Ps5 version will make use of the new controller’s features though, so that’s pretty rad.

If you want to nab it now, Maneater is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can grab it on the Epic Games Store here. It will be available on November 10th and 12th for the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 respectively.