Concept Footage Gives Us Possible First Look at Jurassic World?

It was less than 24 hours ago that we learned the upcoming fourth installment in the Jurassic Park franchise will be called Jurassic World and is set for release on June 12, 2015; and today we’ve got over a minute of footage which could possibly be a concept pitch for the film.
Uploaded by YouTube user Oliver Thompson, the footage was apparently filmed at Germany’s Celebration Europe 2, a Star Wars fan convention, back in July. At the time nobody was sure what the footage was from or why it was being shown, but now that the official title Jurassic World has been revealed, many are speculating that the footage has to do with the movie since it features a logo that reads Jurassic World at the end.
This could’ve been a pitch that Universal didn’t go with or could have nothing to do with the franchise at all, and they’ve yet to make any comments about the footage. Jurassic World producer Frank Marshall did, however, take to Twitter earlier today and tweet out that the footage is “not a part of the movie.”
If the clip is indeed related to Jurassic World, you can be sure that it’ll be pulled before long so give it a watch while you can. And remember that it’s likely just a quick concept pitch so you’ll have to excuse the Syfy-esque CGI!
Safety Not Guaranteed director Colin Trevorrow has been tapped to helm the next chapter in the dino-rific series. Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver penned the script.
With the script now turned in, Universal will begin casting the film. Previously they had been eying Bryce Dallas Howard, David Oyelowo, and Garrett Hedlund to star when they were prepping prior to the postponement, and sources say they are still favorites to get offers when those go out.
More as it comes.

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