Focus Home Interactive Announces and Releases Shady Part of Me

If you’re tuning in to the Game Awards, you may be looking forward to some trailers. In this case, it’s a full game. Focus Home Interactive has both announced and released Shady Part of Me, a 2d/3d platforming hybrid.

The game follows the story of a girl who is deathly afraid of the light. She’s also afraid of her own shadow. Despite this, the two of them have to work together to escape from a dream realm that both of the girls are trapped in. You take control of both of them, with the real girl playing like a 3D puzzle game, while the shadow plays like a 2D platformer on the wall. The two will have to work together, with one’s actions affecting the other.
The game is bringing some acting chops to the table as well. The main character will be voiced by Hannah Murray, who you may recognize as Cassie from Skins or Gilly from Game of Thrones. It’s the first time she’s done a video game, something that’s rad since it’s always cool when actors step into a new medium. The game also features a lovely watercolor art style, which really makes it wonderful to look at.

If you want to play Shady Part of Me you can grab the game right now on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News