Don’t Freak Out: Kill It With Fire Arriving On Consoles And Mobile

Publisher tinyBuild announced today that their arachnophobic game Kill It With Fire will be launching on consoles and mobile. Created by developer Casey Donnellan, this game is about the most relatable part of being an adult: figuring out how to deal with creepy crawlies in a sensible and safe manner.

In Kill It With Fire you are tasked with killing the most terrifying, freaky, gross, and honestly pretty harmless, creature known to man. Much like real life, spiders in this game are best killed with fire, guns, bullets, ninja stars, and any other high velocity object you can think of. Collateral damage be damned. As the game’s page states, Kill It With Fire features
- Tons of unique weapons and equipment.
- Eight different spider species.
- “Realistic” fire simulation system.
- Gratuitous chaos and destruction.
- Dozens of optional objectives.
- Loads of hidden upgrades.
- Battle in the Arachno-Gauntlet!
- A secret ending?!?! (…shh!)

You can purchase Kill It With Fire on every major console starting March 4th. But if you can’t wait that long, pick it up on Steam by clicking here.