Retro FPS Dread Templar To Enter Early Access In The Fall

1C Entertainment announced yesterday their plans on releasing Dread Templar. Previously debuted at Realms Deep 2020 as Hell Hunt, the fast paced FPS Dread Templar will be arriving this fall of 2021 into Steam early access, with the full release to come in 2022. Beyond the name, there appear to be no other significant changes to the game.

Dread Templar is pretty straightforward in terms of premise. You play as the Dread Templar, a warrior on a path of vengeance into the underworld. Fight monsters and demons with a variety of weapons as you become the most dangerous creature in all of Hell.

The mechanics are a mix of old and new. Inspired by classic FPS games, Dread Templar spots a number of new features, such as bullet time and skills, while remaining true to the traditional genre formula. Plenty of secrets to explore and health packs to pick up as you become knee-deep in the dread.

You can check out Dread Templar on Steam by clicking here. And for those mourning the Hell Hunt title, fear not. The game exists as a GBA demake on, which you can find here.