We’re In Possession of New Stills from Asmodexia!

‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia1x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia2x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia3x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia4x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia5x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia6x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia7x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia8x’, ‘/gallery/asmodexia/asmodexia9x’
On tap right now are several new stills from the upcoming tale of exorcism and possession Asmodexia, so get out your holy water and feel free to be compelled to take a look at them. It’s okay, really, nobody’s looking!
Co-penned by Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival deputy director Mike Hostench, Asmodexia marks the feature debut of Marc Carrete (Mal cuerpo, Castidermia).
Asmodexia unspools over five days in the lives of an exorcist and his granddaughter, working in the Barcelona area. The flick goes into production on August 26.
There isn’t much more info available at press time, but we do have a concept trailer for you to dig on!
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