Dead By Daylight Adding Background History for Bill

William “Bill” Overbeck debuted in Valve’s 2008 FPS Left 4 Dead. A veteran of Vietnam, he leads other survivors Louis, Zoey, and Francis across the countryside to safety. Unfortunately, the time comes for Bill to sacrifice himself to restart some generators. Bill gave his life for the safety of his companions. Regrettably, that didn’t end his torment. Bill joined the Dead By Daylight cast in 2019 and has been stuck fixing generators ever since.
Left 4 Dead featured a now-iconic cast, but their backstories were always broad strokes. Bill was a veteran. Francis was a biker. Louis worked in an office. Zoey was a horror film connoisseur and college student. Sequel characters Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle are more fleshed out, but still rather undefined.
This year, however, Bill will get more backstory in Dead By Daylight’s Archives. Titled Tome VII: Forsaken, it will go into Bill’s backstory with “never-before-seen memories” and the outbreak of Left 4 Dead’s plague. Bill also gets a new cosmetic skin, featuring him in his younger days. Though there is no official date, the official Twitter account promises it will come “soon.”

Other crossover characters include the Demogorgon, Steve Harrington, and Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things), Heather/Cheryl Mason and Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 3 and 2, respectively), and Ashley Williams (Evil Dead). Capcom also recently revealed a crossover with its Resident Evil series, with more details allegedly coming late next month.
Dead By Daylight is a 4v1 asymmetrical survival horror experience. Four players work together to foil the fifth, a supernaturally-empowered killer. They must repair generators and escape before the killer picks them all off. The killer typically attempts to down a survivor with damage before hoisting them onto a hook. If hooked three times (or simply abandoned), the survivor is sacrificed to the Entity and taken out of the round. Both survivors and killers utilize the Bloodweb to learn new perks to get ahead of each other. Dead By Daylight features both ranked matchmaking and casual play modes.