Robert Kurtzman Invites You to Experience His Mad FX Lab Halloween Haunt

What happens when a supernatural virus unleashes demonic forces that possess the creature creations in a world famous special effects facility? All hell breaks loose, of course, and you can experience it yourself this Halloween season at Robert Kurtzman’s Mad FX Lab in Ohio.
Tired of reading our stories about all the cool haunted attractions in Southern California and Orlando, FL? If you live in or near Crestline, OH, then get ready for the area’s premier Halloween experience. There’s even a VIP celebrity event you can attend on October 29th with Freddy Krueger himself so quit complaining that nothing exciting happens where you are and read on for more details.
Mad FX Lab Description:
Created by the special FX masters who brought you Friday the 13th’s Jason Goes to Hell, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, Army of Darkness, and the vampire classic From Dusk Till Dawn… Be warned the Mad FX Lab is not for the faint of heart. This haunted attraction is crap your pants scary and features twisted original monster creations.
The Mad FX Lab opens October 4th and runs through November 2nd. You can get tickets and all other information by visiting as well as Mad FX Lab on Facebook and the Kurtzman Institute of Art on Facebook . The address is 707 South Thoman Street, Crestline, Ohio.
Want to get really up close and personal with the creatures and their creator? Then here’s the lowdown on VIP night:
Hey, all you fright fans. The Kurtzman Institute of Art is holding a one-night VIP celebrity event on October 29th from 7-11 pm. Come meet the man of your nightmares… Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street films) and other special celebrity quests including Beki Ingram and David “House” Greathouse from the hit TV show “Face Off”; director Gary Jones, actor Chris Hahn, and other cast members of Syfy’s Axe Giant; composer Ed Douglas of Midnight Syndicate; comic book artist Mark Kidwell; and director/FX legend Robert Kurtzman. The night is held in support of the Kurtzman Institute of Art’s special make-up fx program. Tour the school, the special fx studio, and the all-new haunted attraction Mad FX Lab. There’ll be autograph and photo ops, music, and a whole lot more!

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