DOOM Eternal DLC Now on Nintendo Switch

DOOM Eternal DLC The Ancient Gods Part One is now available on the Nintendo Switch consoles.
The single-player campaign includes the campaign. The Slayer continues to battle the agents of Hell. Now, the Slayer must cross dimensions to restore balance to the crumbling universe. Now, players can experience the demon-slaying action in a way that’s a little bit more portable. DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part One is available on the Nintendo Store. Players can also purchase the DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition which includes the base DOOM Eternal along with The Ancient Gods – Part One and The Ancient Gods – Part Two when the latter releases at a later date.

DOOM is a long-running first-person shooter series. The protagonist takes on the forces of Hell with a variety of weapons. DOOM Eternal, the latest game in the series, released last year in mid-March of 2020. The Nintendo Switch port released the base game in early December 2020. The The Ancient Gods DLC takes place shortly after the events of the main game.
The Nintendo Switch trailer released yesterday to generally positive feedback. Don’t forget to check it out. DOOM Eternal is also currently available on the PC (via Steam), Google Stadia, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Next-gen consoles can expect a release soon.
Developed by Id Software, DOOM Eternal is published by Bethesda Softworks. Other Id Software properties include Wolfenstein, Rage, and the Quake series. The Quake engine has also seen use in non-Id Software titles, such as the upcoming Wrath: Aeon of Ruin. Previous works published by Bethesda include the The Elder Scrolls, Dishonored, and Fallout series as well as The Evil Within and its sequel, The Evil Within 2. Both Bethesda and ID Software frequently collaborate on titles.