Dead By Daylight Project W : Wesker’s In The House

Shown off during the Behaviour Beyond event was a long-awaited look at what Project W was, and we finally got our answer.
After being shown off in May this year as a tease for some more Resident Evil characters, it was revealed that we would be getting some fan favorites to the juggernaut that is Dead By Daylight. First up, we have the bad boy himself, the big bad, and for some people, the best bad guy in Resident Evil history, Albert Wesker. Based on his appearance in Resident Evil 5 ( if he doesn’t make a rock punching joke, I’m out), he can shoot his Uroboros tentacle arm from a distance infecting the player. While we don’t know the difference between his infection ability and Nemisis’s ability, I’m sure we will find out soon enough.

Next up is another fan favorite and quite possibly the character who lives in the grayest of zones when it comes to characters, Ada Wong. While we know nothing about what her abilities will be in-game, one can hope that they will reflect her femme-fatal nature.

Finally, the survivor I have been hoping to show up again in the mainline Resident Evil franchise for a very long time since it’s been about twenty years since her appearance in the ReMake, Rebecca Chambers. Although we know nothing about her abilities, we can assume they will reflect her in-universe medicinal prowess. Hopefully, some form of team healing or an ability to deal with the infection.

Lastly, we were given an update on not really a new map but that Behaviour will be splitting up the Raccoon City Police Department map into two separate maps. The East Wing and the West Wing, with more play being able to take place outside for this and the main lobby generally staying unchanged. This is a great choice. Mixing it up a little bit and seeing more of an expanded version of each wing will be great for fans of the RPD map both in Dead By Daylight and Resident Evil 2.
While no release date for Project W was given, it did come with a tag saying coming soon, so let’s hope by Halloween, we will be able to jump back into the Resident Evil side of Dead By Daylight. For more info and to stay up to date with DBD, follow Behaviour on Twitter and check out the games site.
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