European Horror Fans: Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival 2013 Lineup Announced

European horror fans, rejoice as Belgium’s Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival has announced its new program for the upcoming festival, which runs from 24th October-2nd November in the downtown area of Bruges.
From the Press Release:
Before we go into the lineup, here are some facts: There’s an economic crisis, and we all know that! But the RRFFF isn’t giving in, and for the sixth year in a row, we haven’t changed our ticket prices. It’s still 6€ to get in… whichever film you choose! For 70€ you’ll get yourself a festival pass and for 25€, five film tickets.
Hell yeah, we’ll beat the crisis!
As for the films, we’ll bet you won’t suspect we are self-sustained! With no government help and some minor contributions from the city and the province, we’ll blast everyone away with a great programme once again! Thanks to our sponsors and our own unequaled craftsmanship, the RRFFF13 will rock again.
Our complete program is online on, but for those of you who want a quick dip, here you go. Our general theme this year is “Religion and Rituals” as an influence for genre films. There’s a focus on Israeli genre films with Goldberg & Eisenberg, Cannon Fodder, and last but not least, Big Bad Wolves. (The latter is from the makers of Rabies, the festival hit from 2011 that went home with the first Young Blood Award.) In addition there’s zombie comedy Stalled, The Dead 2: India, Sadik 2 (a small but highly enjoyable French horror flick), The Curse of Chucky, I Spit on Your Grave 2, Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Woman, Blue Ruin, Sharknado, The Battery, the XXX documentary Kink, and many more! Amongst our beloved guests, you’ll meet Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado, Richard Stanley, Simon Boswell, Kate Shenton, Howard and Jonathan Ford, Robin Enteinger, and Patrick Duynslaegher on jury duty!
Apart from the festival, you can visit our Fantasy Book & Film Fair, explore some workshops, join some lectures, listen to the Carillion with a tribute to film music in Bells from Hell, or just stroll our beloved city in the morning when the complete Razor Reel crew is taking a well-deserved nap! Sinners, say your prayers; believers, stand up and chant your psalms for the mass will soon start, and it’s promising to be good again!

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