New York Comic Con 2013: Footage Descriptions from WWE’s See No Evil 2 and Leprechaun: Origins

The WWE is returning to horror, and they hit this past weekend’s New York Comic Con in full force. We have a breakdown of the teeny tiny bits of footage they brought with them from See No Evil 2 and Leprechaun: Origins.
On hand at NYCC 2013 were See No Evil 2 directors the Soska Sisters and the film’s imposing lead man-monster Kane alongside Leprechaun: Origins director Zach Lipovsky and that film’s new terror, Hornswoggle.
Dread Central met up with the crew and talked the evolution of both franchises, WWE’s turn toward our favorite topic, and that beautiful moment when a fan gets to create new media with people they already love… but more on that later. Right now here are the footage descriptions. We’ll have interviews with the abovementioned cast and crew coming very soon!
See No Evil 2:
Danielle Harris pushes a gurney down a long white hallway. Next, she is in a room with a young man. Both appear to be doctors of some sort. They remark the body is easily 7 feet tall. Danielle leans toward the body’s head, and a spray of blood catches her in the face. The young man remarks it is probably a death rattle. Danielle comments he could have at least bought her dinner first.
Info: The setting is a morgue, and the Soskas have set up not one, but THREE final girls in this film. They tease we’ll have to guess which lovely lady will make it to the end. We are also assured that while (like Kane) Jacob Goodnight can be an engine of destruction, they wanted to delve deeper into the character of this massive man and go beyond the creature that could put folks through a wall with ease in the first installment. Kane himself promised that even though his mother is dead, she’s still sort of there rattling around in Jacob’s head. Should make for an interesting level of depth we aren’t often allowed to see in a slasher film.
Leprechaun: Origins:
A young woman is in a room lit only by a single lantern and the low light streaming through a nearby window. She appears to be in an old house. Something catches her eye out the window, and she goes to investigate. After a beat of her looking, something tears past, making her jump out of her skin. She calls for her boyfriend in a panic. The young man enters and tries to reassure her that they are in the woods, and all manor of woodsy-shit is to be expected (or some such phrasing).
Info: Little was said about the setting or plot, but we are told not to expect the devilish, one-liner-spewing little imp from the original films. Origins is only a title and does not suggest this is a prequel (even though it suggests it’s a prequel). This is a standalone film with a far darker tone and more serious approach. No shoe obsessions will be found here.
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