Bugs on a Plane Cause Absolute Terror: “She Was Freaking Out” [Horror IRL]

On February 13th, a Delta Airlines jet was making its way from Amsterdam to Detroit. The aircraft was off the ground for about an hour when something unthinkable happened: Maggots began falling from an overhead bin into a passenger’s lap. The unpleasant ordeal required the plane to change course and return to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.
The uninvited guests were traced back to a passenger’s carry-on baggage, which was stored in an overhead bin and contained rotting fish wrapped in newspaper. Oof.
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A Chicago-based ABC Network affiliate news team was on the scene when several passengers aboard that flight eventually made it to the US. The crew interviewed Philip Schotte, who was sitting next to the woman who was unceremoniously doused in maggots. Schotte said the following of the ordeal, “She was freaking out. She was just trying to kind of fight off these maggots. … I don’t really know what was going through my mind. I was trying to process it – disgust is one thing of course. We had to wait there for help to actually come.”
Delta Airlines responded to a request for comment from CNN. But their statement is conspicuously void of any specific reference to what caused the ordeal. “We apologize to the customers of Flight 133 AMS-DTW as their trip was interrupted due to an improperly packed carry-on bag,” the statement begins. “The aircraft returned to the gate and passengers were placed on the next available flight. The aircraft was removed from service for cleaning.”
According to Delta’s website, the airline doesn’t ban the transport of perishable goods, given there is “no violation of agricultural restrictions for the destination country.” Perhaps it’s time for Delta to make some tweaks to that policy.
That’s all for this installment of Horror IRL. Be sure to stay tuned to the site for more as we learn it. And be sure to follow us on Twitter so you never miss an update.
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