Nicolas Winding Refn Set to Walk With The Dead

London Evening Standard
What’s Nicolas Winding Refn up to next, after assaulting our senses with beautiful Gosling-filled visuals in Drive and Only God Forgives? If you answered a straight up horror flick, then you’d be correct!
As per the UK’s London Evening Standard, Refn (pictured) is next set to helm a horror film called I Walk with the Dead, which we’ve mentioned previously and will now be written by acclaimed UK playwright Polly Stenham. Though no plot details have been revealed, it’s still being described as an all-female horror film.
“I always set out wanting to make films about women, but it always ends up being about men,” said Refn, in regards to why he wanted someone else to pen the movie. “Maybe it’s because I don’t know how to write them.”
Drive star Carey Mulligan continues to be rumored to be involved, but no cast members have been confirmed.
More as we learn it!
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