AFM 2013: Ryuhei Kitamura Swimming Through Dead Water

While Halloween is the main thing on everyone’s mind right now, we cannot forget that AFM 2013 is taking place immediately afterward. If you’re unfamiliar with AFM, you’re gonna see lots of stuff for lots of films which may or may not happen. This one, however, we’re pretty confident in!
Currently in production is No One Lives and Midnight Meat Train director Ryuhei Kitamura’s next English language feature, Dead Water.
Check out the plot crunch and some really tiny teaser art below.
Dead Water follows a heroine and a few scientists who become sealed inside an Eco Station, a self-sufficient environment deep in the desert. The survivors in the Station know the deadly truth. They know that when the end finally came, it wasn’t what anyone expected.
It wasn’t a virus that killed the planet. It wasn’t a curse from Hell. It was the water…
A chemical process, triggered somewhere in the world, got out of control and changed the molecular composition of H2O as we know it. Suddenly drinking it, bathing in it, even touching water would change a human into…
Something else.
Something unimaginable.
Something deadly…

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