Chilling Footage Captures Aliens Hovering Over Turkish Town!

In June 2007 in Kumburgaz, Turkey, Yalcin Yalman, a night guard, saw and recorded a strange object hovering over the Sea of Marmara. The same UFO was seen and recorded by various other Turkish citizens in 2008 and 2009, always appearing around the same time of year.
In an effort to prove that all of the footage recorded of the UFO was nothing more than just another hoax, Turkey’s National Council for the Study of Science and Technology analyzed it, sure that they’d discover that scale models, toys, or CGI was used to pull off the impressive trick.
What they proved, however, was quite the opposite of what they expected. After extensive analysis, the council found absolutely no evidence that any part of the footage was a hoax. “The objects observed on the images have a structure made of a specific material and are definitely not any kind of CGI animation or in any means a type of special effects used for simulation in a studio or for video effects,” they said in their official report. “So the conclusion of this report is that the observations are not a model, marquette [sic], or a fraud.”
The footage was also analyzed by professors, special effects companies, and video specialists, who all agreed that the images are indeed authentic. Nobody has yet been able to disprove any of what you’re about to see.
Could this be actual video footage of extraterrestrial beings? Watch the video and then let us know what you think by leaving a comment below!
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