Delve into The Legacy of Boggy Creek

Finally the end of the week is here, and on tap for you cats who are spying the clock with us waiting for the work week to end, we have the trailer for the latest Sasquatchploitation flick heading our way, The Legacy of Boggy Creek.
Dustin Ferguson writes and directs the film, which stars Tara Hinkley, Kim Moser, and Jennii Caroline.
The Legacy of Boggy Creek is available now via Amazon.
Special Features
Since 1972 he has stalked the countryside… watching and waiting! The creature known as the skunkape has been sighted several times over the last few decades, and this all-new docudrama chronicles the events that began after the original Fouke, Arkansas, attacks. Through various interviews, re-enactments, and discovered footage, you will be presented some incredible evidence, making it impossible to deny his existence.

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