Josh Hartnett Will Star In “Bizarre” New M. Night Shyamalan Film

Josh Hartnett recently told the good folks at IndieWire that his next movie is a horror film helmed by M. Night Shyamalan. The title is Trap, and it arrives in theaters later this summer. If you’re like me, you grew up in an era when the actor practically lived in our genre. If you’re also like me, you’re giddy at the news and want to know more about this project immediately.
In his interview with IndieWire, Hartnett told the outlet that the role is “ a pivot,” for him. He then elaborated:
“But I try to make all of my roles pivots. If you’re playing the same thing again and again, it gets boring to the audience. Working with M. Night was one of the best experiences of my career. I think he’s a true Artist in the capitol-A sense of the word. And I think people are gonna be really surprised and excited about the movie we make. It’s very bizarre, very dark, and it’s wild.” – via IndieWire
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Trap is written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. According to IMDB, Saleka Shyamalan, Hayley Mills, Marnie McPhail, Vanessa Smythe, and Cali Lorella will also star in the movie.
If you’re looking for ways to stay busy until the movie hits theaters, you could catch up on M. Night Shyamalan’s most recent work. Old and Knock at the Cabin are both on Prime Video.
We love to see Josh Hartnett in a horror movie. Not just because most of us had crushes on him when we were kids or because he’s a great actor. It’s because he’s got taste when it comes to genre projects. After all, the man did Halloween H20: 20 Years Later, The Faculty, Sin City, The Black Dahlia, and the legendary 30 Days of Night.
Warner Brothers currently has the film scheduled for release on August 2, 2024.
Did seeing Josh Hartnett pop up in the latest season of Black Mirror make you long for the Penny Dreadful days? Are you also way too excited about seeing him in the genre on the big screen again? If so, let’s be obnoxious together at @misssharai.