‘Blue Sunshine’: Encyclopocalypse Publishes Novelization of Gritty, Retro Horror Classic

Known for publishing unmissable original horror works and official novelizations of surprising genre classics, we’re always keeping an eye on what publisher Encyclopocalypse are up to. Today they’ve announced the release of a hotly anticipated new cult film novelization of Blue Sunshine by author Ken Johnson.
According to the publisher:
“Working from Jeff Lieberman’s original draft for Blue Sunshine, which was actually set in 1970s New York, Ken Johnson’s novel reflects the grittiness and social turmoil of the times.”
In the Lieberman’s film:
It started off as a great party—just eight of them in a ski-lodge in upstate New York. But then the last guest, Frannie, arrived. There was something wrong with Frannie’s hair. And something very wrong with his eyes. And what he did to three of the girls was too hideous for description…
That was just the start. After that, things began to happen all over New York—ugly things: psychosis, insanity, murder—and no-one could find an explanation. The police were helpless—because they didn’t know that behind all the grisly happenings lay a single, uncontrollable horror. A horror called Blue Sunshine.
Blue Sunshine is the Edgar Lansbury/Joseph Beruh Production starring Alice Ghostley, Zalman King, Deborah Winters and Mark Goddard based on an original screenplay by Jeff Lieberman.

Get your copy today:
US: Trade | Mass Market | eBook
International: Trade | Mass Market | eBook
Are you a fan of Blue Sunshine? Will you be picking up the novelization by Ken Johnson? Let us know on Twitter via @DreadCentral. We’re always around to chat about all things Encyclopocalypse!