David Cronenberg Has Some Surprisingly Choice Words for Stanley Kubrick

The Toronto Star
In a recent interview with The Toronto Star, acclaimed filmmaker David Cronenberg had some very interesting words about the late great Stanley Kubrick. Will this cause the same fervor as Romero stating he’s not into “The Walking Dead”?
Kubrick will be getting his own exhibit at next year’s Toronto International Film Festival, and the news sparked an unexpected reaction from Cronenberg toward the filmmaker and more specifically his version of Stephen King’s The Shining.
“I think I’m a more intimate and personal filmmaker than Kubrick ever was,” Cronenberg said. “That’s why I find The Shining not to be a great film. I don’t think he understood the [horror] genre. I don’t think he understood what he was doing. There were some striking images in the book and he got that, but I don’t think he really felt it. In a weird way, although he’s revered as a high-level cinematic artist, I think he was much more commercial-minded and was looking for stuff that would click and that he could get financed. I think he was very obsessed with that, to an extent that I’m not. Or that Bergman or Fellini were.”
Well… okay then?
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