HorrorClix Digest #1

Over the next couple weeks we are going to be taking a closer look into WizKids‘ world of HorrorClix, the newest spin-off of their HeroClix gaming line. But first, let’s get you all acquainted with what the whole Clix thing is about.
What are HorrorClix? Well, this new line that is geared towards adults is part of a mini-wargame genre known as collectible miniatures games or CMGs. Instead of purchasing small figures to paint and construct like with older RPGs, HorrorClix come in cases of 4 and are prepainted. Attached to the bottom of each figure is a round base that contains their stats, thus eliminating the paper and pen aspect of games like D&D.
From the HeroClix Wiki: “Each HeroClix figurine is modeled in roughly O scale and has statistics associated with it: Attack Value, Defense Value, Speed, Damage, and Range. These statistics are all printed on a dial that serves as the base for the miniature. When a piece takes “damage”, its base is twisted a number of “clicks” counter-clockwise, revealing changed (usually decreased) stats to correspond to the damage it has taken. Some characters actually get stronger with damage, though, to represent a transformation or rage.
Pieces have point values associated with them. Typically, the more powerful the character, the more costly it is to play. Opposing teams must consist of a total point value in pieces that is less than or equal to a predecided total, usually a multiple of 100. Battles are played out on maps, overlaid with a grid of 35mm x 35mm squares.”
Got all that? It’s OK if you don’t care for the game itself, because HorrorClix are just badass in general and will continue to get better as time goes on (βHorror Clix Get a New Lineβ β October 2007). Having not much free time and having spent years away from RPGs, what appealed to me most of all about this line of Clix is just how much each figure kicked ass. Comic book heroes and villains are great and all, but rarely do they appeal to horror fans in the way a bloody slasher or gooey zombie would. That’s where HorrorClix comes in.
This line is actually rated VG-13 and for good reason; blood, body parts and even some disgusting nudity make it into the mix of characters. That’s why we’ve decided to run a few stories focusing on some of the more unique, if not disturbing, members of the HorrorClix family! That and to get more people interested because I want to be able to walk into any retailer and pick these things up!

Like what you see so far? If you’re going to the Orlando Screamfest on the 19th thru 21st of this month, you can get your hands on some HorrorClix if you see me, Kryten Syxx, at the show. I will have boosters, starter packs and even the AVP collector’s sets of the Clix with me to give away.

If you’re not going to be in Orlando this month, then hit up your local comic book shop. Odds are they will have the most recent line of HorrorClix known as Freakshow!
Next time we are going to focus our attention on the start kit for all of those readers out there who want to learn how to play the game!
– Syxx
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