Demons Are Everywhere in this New Promo for Supernatural Season 9

“Supernatural” has settled in nicely in its new Tuesday night time slot, much like the Winchesters have settled in at the Men of Letters’ headquarters. However, as this new promo reminds us, once you’re in the family business, demons never go away.
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“Supernatural” Episode 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait” (airs 11/12/13, 9-10pm)
CASTIEL GETS A JOB — Castiel (Misha Collins) gets a job at a Gas-N-Sip and actually starts to enjoy life as a human. A headline in the local newspaper about some disappearances in the area catches his eye so he calls Dean (Jensen Ackles) to help him investigate the case.
Dean knows he needs to keep Sam/Ezekiel (Jared Padaleck) away from Castiel so he tells Sam that he and Kevin (guest star Osric Chau) need to stay and work with Crowley (Mark Sheppard) to decipher the tablet. Crowley agrees to help Sam and Kevin, but in return he wants one phone call to hell.
Rob Spera directed the episode written by Robert Berens.
Supernatural Episode 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait: Clip #1

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